In business, The Hague is not as big as Rotterdam or Amsterdam ; however Royal Dutch Shell decided to base their head office in the city. For this reasons the shut down their office in the United Kingdom .
Royal Dutch Shell plc, known as just Shell is a global oil and gas company. The headquarter is in The Hague, Netherlands, it is the largest energy company in the country and the second largest company in the world in terms of revenues and it is one of the six oil and gas ‘’super majors’’. Shell has got 2.894 employees in The Hague.
Siemens AG is a German engineering conglomerate that is the largest in Europe and has active in The Netherlands since 1879. Siemens has two International headquarters located in The Netherlands and Germany .
The main business sectors are:
– Industry
– Energy
– Healthcare
Siemens The Hague employs 1.250 people
ABB Lummens
ABB is a global leader in power and automation technologies that enables utility and industry to its customers in the petro-chemical sector to improve their performance while lowering environmental impact. ABB operates in more than 100 countries and has offices in 87 countries. Abb Lumnens in The Hague has got 897 employees
AEGON’s businesses focus on life insurance, pensions, savings and investment products. The group is also hav limited banking activities. AEGON has got 1.500 employees in The Hague.
HCL Technologies
HCLT is one of India’s leading global IT Services companies, providing software-led IT solutions, remote infrastructure management services and BPO . HCL Technologies has got 120 employees in The Hague.
TMNS is a European Service Provider with offices in The Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland. Since the start of TMNS in 2002, the company has focused on supporting customers in the pragmatic application of complex and state-of-the-art Integration Technology. 93 people are employed at TMNS in The Hague .
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